
Carbon is Life!

Attempting to explain John Boehner, Chris Horner--the one who doesn't ride a bike to work--socks it to the climate alarmists:
Admittedly, it is bad form to ascribe false views to one's political opponents. So it is surprising that our heroes have not expressed similar outrage over President Obama's persistent use of straw men — "some say we should do nothing," etc., etc. But notice how Boehner's dismissal of the (nonexistent) charge that CO2 is also a carcinogen is morphed into him being the one making the claim?
Indeed. Chris Mooney should know better than to suggest Boehner himself believes these things. He was just trying to make sure no one at the EPA believes CO2 is a carcinogen. Other mistaken beliefs Boehner would like to clear up include:
The idea that carbon dioxide causes obesity is almost comical.
The idea that carbon dioxide is responsible for the drug epidemic is almost comical.
The idea that carbon dioxide is correlated with a rise in teenage pregnancy is almost comical.
The idea that carbon dioxide is the malevolent dark cloud on Lost is almost comical.