no torture
In the US this past election was about terror, religiosity, and the economy. In each case either the media in this country did a terrible job informing the people about their choices or the people were unwilling to listen to the obvious. In most of the rest of the world, the past elections were viewed as a referendum on the Iraq war and the use of torture there and at Guantanamo. If the people of the US would have been willing to elect a new leader it would have shown that the unilateral extremism was just a mistake or an anomally in our long history and tradition of standing on the side of justice, and that we still stand for values. I believe that regardless of how the election came out--and regardless of what people shout out during radio talk shows--the vast majority of the population of the US is opposed to the casual use of torture. This blog therefore joins the growing list of blogs who are opposed to the DOJ nomination of a legal advisor who views the Geneva Conventions as quaint and outdated. For, while they may be outdated in the private views of some, strong international cooperative agreements still mean something most in the US and the rest of the world; and opposing Gonzales' nomination will show that we still are part of the world community.
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