I ran across this site the other day via Pharyngula, who also thought the definition of intelligent design as "creationism with its own K street lobbying firm" was well put. The post is quite informative, so go read it yourself! Darned, only two weeks of blogging and already linked to by Pharyngula...lucky bastard, and rising star!
OK, here's the problem. FOXP2, "the Author," wrote me an e-mail earlier today presumably in response to a comment I left. I never got to read it b/c it landed in my spam folder, and in the process of moving it from my google spam filter folder to my inbox folder I accidentally deleted it. Yeah, oops. I can't seem to find his e-mail address on his site, so Rob: if you come by here, could you please re-send the mail? Apologies and TIA.
On a related note, Rob's blog is generally about investing in the stockmarket, so I thought I'd add this fun site that tracks the
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