
And they're off!

It didn't take long for the lesser wingnuts to bite the zombie...I'm sure we'll hear more from the Coulter-Malkin-Powertools axis soon.

'Hubris' informs us that Ann Coulter makes Atrios pop a woody:
"The actress Dante found to play NotAnnCoulter eerily resembles the real thing."
That's pretty much all Duncan wrote on his post--the rest was cut-and-pasted. Maybe it made INDC pop a woody in anticipation of watching the show?

'Panhandle Pundit' lets us know that everyone's lovin' this war except that zombie John Kerry. Besides, we don't want no politics in the movies...unless of course it's pro-war politics.

Meanwhile, the real Ann Coulter is getting more and more like the Ann Coulter:
"I've never heard a single liberal preface attacks on Oliver North with a recitation of North's magnificent service as a Marine. And unlike Murtha, who refuses to release his medical records showing he was entitled to his two Purple Hearts, we know what North did.... We also know what Rep. Randy Cunningham, R-Calif., did to earn his medals. One of only two American Navy aces that the Vietnam War produced, Cunningham shot down five MiGs, three in one day, including a North Vietnamese pilot with 13 American kills. Cunningham never did something as insane as proposing that we withdraw troops in the middle of a war, but this week he did admit to taking bribes.... Sen. Teddy Kennedy didn't issue a 20-minute soliloquy on what a wonderful man Judge Robert Bork was as a human being before attacking his judicial philosophy.... The only Republican congressman who did not offer to have sex with John Murtha on the House floor was Jean Schmidt, R-Ohio. While debating Murtha's own proposal to withdraw American troops from Iraq in the middle of a war waged to depose a monstrous dictator who posed a threat to American national security, Schmidt made the indisputably true remark that Marines don't cut and run. (She was right! Murtha voted against his own proposal.)"
Republicans are just being too nice with dissenters! BWAHAHA: zombies are on their way!

"Darkness falls across the land
The midnite hour is close at hand
Pundits crawl in search of blood
To terrorize y’awl’s neighbourhood
And whosoever shall be found
Without the soul for bogging down
Must stand and face the blogs of hell
And rot inside a corpse’s shell
The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand dead
And grizzy ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom
And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the wanker"

There'll be no updates on further reactions by the satirically-impaired since I'll be at a meeting with 'pharmaceutical company in NJ' all day tomorrow.