OK, we're done. Now we can all go home and watch 24...
As is fitting for a state as large and influential as Pennsylvania, its impressive Democratic primary has already yielded a winner, Bob Casey. No need to vote in May, it's all said and done. With a name like Casey, how could we lose to Santorum?
He'll outflank Santorum to the right any chance he gets to win those crucial swing-votes in the red-state part of PA. Lemme show you how well that'll work:
For weeks, Republicans have called Casey "Silent Bob" and pressed him to say whether he supports Alito's confirmation. Casey and Alito have a family connection because Alito, who serves on the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals based in Philadelphia, sided with Casey's father, the late Gov. Bob Casey, in Planned Parenthood v. Casey. The case challenged a state law requiring women seeking abortions to notify their spouses.Clearly, that alone is cause for celebration and a reason to support Alito. Maybe Casey's got some Italian relatives to throw in while he's at it. Sez "silent Bob":
...the arguments against Judge Alito do not rise to the level that would require a vote denying him a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court.There now! A man who'll stand for the principles of the Democratic party no matter what. Someone who will offer us a real alternative to Santorum. A candidate who...
Santorum's campaign manager responded with a statement accusing Casey of ducking the issue and then following the lead of Santorum, the No. 3 Senate Republican. Both candidates are generally against abortion. Santorum came out strong in support of Alito at a conservative rally Jan. 8....to put it mildly, just got f*cked by the dogs of the abortion issue.
Click on over at the guy on the right who's glancing over at this post. Or just click here to see where a real Democrat stands on the issues. This is Pennsylvania after all, not Nebraska.
Update: I normally vote according to the candidates that the League of Conservation Voters supports. In this case they made a major boo-boo by simultaneously supporting Casey and opposing Alito. Shame on you, lcv, for not doing your research.
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