
They just can't let go of Kitzmiller

You gotta love wingnuts!
The Dover school board did not propose to say intelligent design is scientific or valid
...which is why they chose to introduce the topic during science class as a valid "explanation for the origin of life." It wasn't until that two-faced ingrate liberal activist judge came along and ruined it all. Who appointed him anyway? Was it Clinton, Carter, or...
Judge John E. Jones III...who owes his position entirely to [evangelical Christian] voters and [George W Bush] who appointed him, stuck the knife in the backs of those who brought him to the dance in Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District.
Using guilt-by-association reasoning, he implied that books published by religious groups, or by people motivated by religious convictions, can and should be banned from public school.
Imagine! And after he owes them his job to evangelical Christians and all who aren't in the least bit motivated by religious convictions. Besides, it's not they who want to make this into a religious issue, it's
The atheist evolutionists would not have made such a big case out of the four innocuous paragraphs ordered by the Dover school board unless they were pursuing an ideological cause.
ID isn't science, religion or ideology but evolution is all three. But all's well in wingnutsylvania because
His decision will ultimately hurt the evolutionist cause because it shows that the evolutionists cannot defend their beliefs on the merits; they can only survive by censoring alternate views.
Ahh, all those merits that ID can be defended on struck down by a single activist judge!