
Larry Farnese

We just signed a petition to get Larry Farnese onto the 182nd District pirmary ballot (Philadelphia, PA). As Larry Farnese says:
“I want to be your state representative so that I can give the 182nd District the voice that it deserves in Harrisburg. As a long time resident of Philadelphia, I believe that our representation should be strong, assertive and visible. I want to work to make a difference.”
So that sounds good to me. Though we were unfamiliar with him until today, Larry Farnese sounds OK on the issues: opposed to raising the sales tax, pro one-gun-per-month, pro-choice, for increasing the minimum wage and reducing class sizes and though Larry Farnese is a little weak on the environment--like many PA politicians--Larry Farnese at least mentions it on his issues page.
Larry Farnese will be running against Babette Josephs in the primaries. In our view, Babette, after coming out in support of Bob Casey the first moment she could without considering the other options and who never returned e-mails we sent her inquiring into why she took that stand so quickly, deserves a bit of competition right about now! And heck, why not from Larry Farnese?

So I went to Google--after signing the petition--to find out a bit more about Larry Farnese. But low and behold, when googling his name, his campaign website doesn't even show up! So to get the ball rolling a bit, this post is primarily meant as a first attempt at zoogle zombing for Larry Farnese.

If anyone else is interested, please join in! I for one believe it's healthy to give the electorate as many options--and as much information--as possible during the primary, which is one of many reasons I whole-heartedly support Chuck Pennacchio. As well as Larry Farnese of course. We convinced one of Larry Farnese's campaign people will drop by the Philadelphia Drinking Liberally this coming Tuesday so we can learn more about...Larry Farnese.

update: pardon the changes to the post. I have a hypotheis I am testing re: a certain search engine.