
hot air

That ain't no diatribe. This is a diatribe:

To assist us as we begin this review, and pursuant to Rules X and XI of the U.S. House of Representatives, please provide the following information requested below on or before July 11, 2005 you may find some of the example answers given by me helpful in completing this request:

1. Your curriculum vitae, including, but not limited to, a list of all studies relating to climate change research for which you were an author or co-author and the source of funding for those studies.

Joe Linus Barton, aka "Smokey" Joe Barton or the Darth Vader of clean air graduated from Waco High School.
I get my science knowledge from the Wall St Journal.

2. List all financial support you have received related to your research, including, but not limited to, all private, state, and federal assistance, grants, contracts (including subgrants or subcontracts), or other financial awards or honoraria.

Total combined campaign contributions from oil & gas and electric utilities: $446,349.
Anadarko Energy give me Turkee.