
Into the Muck

Cross-posted at my new gig, The All Spin Zone

Houston--Geologists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration report that the Texas coastline, including Galveston, may sink into the Gulf of Mexico by century's end due to subsidence.

Subsidence — the sinking or settling of land — comes in two basic forms. One is caused by groundwater pumping or oil and gas extraction. The other, which geologists say is causing nearly all of the problems along the Texas coast, is caused from the almost limitless supply of BS emanating from the state's politicians.

OK, OK, that's not the reason Texas is sinking, but it may as well be. Heck, I don't even have to mention Tom DeLay or George Bush, it seems like they all know how to blatantly work against the interest of the people while giving their initiative fancy names:

Dubbed by the Author, Representative Pet Sessions (R-Texas), the Preserving Innovation in Telecom Act of 2005, the bill prohibits state and local governments from providing any telecommunications or information service that is "substantially similar" to services provided by private companies.

Limit competition and call it preserving innovation, or clear skies, or snugglebunnies and apple pie, whatever.