The gospel of Pat
"As these men watch,[I linked to this story previously, but couldn't resist this one...]JeremiahPat, smash the jar you brought with you. Then say to them, 'This is what the LORD Almighty says: As this jar lies shattered, so I will shatter the people ofJudah and JerusalemDover beyond all hope of repair. They will bury the bodies inTophethNew Orleans until there is no more room. This is what I will do to this place and its people, says the LORD. I will cause this city to become defiled likeTophethNew Orleans. Yes, all the houses inJerusalemDover, including thepalace of Judah's kingshigh school and the polling places, will become likeTophethNew Orleans – all the houses where youburned incense on the rooftops to your star godstaught evolution, and wheredrink offerings were poured out to your idolsvotes were cast against Republicans.'" (Jeremiah 19:10-15 NLT)
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