
Malkin on Washington Journal this morning

This is hilarious! Washington Journal has Michelle Malkin on, taking calls from folks who are probably regular Freepers:

"Michelle, first off I really love your hair. What liberals and the mainstream media don't understand is that FoxNews and you are directed by God to tell the world that Bush is acting on His behalf by squashing countries at will, just like he directed the Isrealites in the Bible to do so. Unhinged smear sites like Kevin Drum's and Duncan Black's need to be shut down before they pollute precious young minds into believing a conservative could ever make a mistake. Our soldiers are out there every day fighting to keep us free from liberal criticism of the use of torture and all they can do is use foul language."

To which Malkin would reply something to the effect of "when Bill O'Reilly and I get together we have civilized conversations about how torture and internement camps are not only praised by God in the Bible, but that these techniques are actually an integral part of our constitution. Why the liberals are so opposed to this basic concept is really beyond me, but because they use foul language, it's OK for our side to do so as well."