
The Patrick Murphy Experience

Patrick Murphy was just here at Coeruleus central for Tuesday's Majority Report interview with Kos on Air America Radio. A WMV link to the interview can be found here.

Some of the comments of tonight's interview on the blogs are about Murphy's "Drinking Liberally" reference. Yes, he was with us at DL tonight. He arrived late and from what we saw, he didn't even have a chance to order a drink because he was busy talking with everyone there. By the time he got to our place he was focussed on the interview:

Honestly, he seemed a bit nervous to us. Not nervous in a bad way mind you, just taking this interview very, very seriously. From our point of view his "drinking liberally" reference didn't seem that out of place, but listening to the audio feed it certainly sounded out of place, like he'd been drinking. He didn't need to mention that. The problem was with the other end: their audio feed died and they left him hanging so he needed to say something...and well, he mentioned "DL" to people who may not know the reference.

But, a minute later in the interview he got his footing back--though he couldn't expound on his grand unifying theory of life during his 10 minutes--he said many things right, things we believe many people could support.

Bottom line: he's a good kid. He served our country well, he knows the law, he's a fighter. We all need someone this devoted to our country in Congress. But, as one of the commenters correctly pointed out, we know what he's running against. What is he running for? He's got it in him to say exactly why he's running. He's got 6 mos. before the primary to articulate and push his unique message to everyone else. Will he? We bet he will.

Update: This post sounds like we're negative on him and his campaign. We're not. We're supporters. Patrick did a great job last night, and he will be a great candidate. We have confidence in him, but wanted to suggest some areas where he could do a bit better, that's all.