Christ! Where is Christ?
The Democrat-media alliance and their Islamo-Fascist allies in Congress have succeeded in driving Christmas out of the public square and it appears our dear leader in the White House has also succombed to the temptation of the beast. As William A. Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights states, "this clearly demonstrates that the Bush administration has suffered a loss of will and that they have capitulated to the worst elements in our culture." Look at the below example and tell me this is not the most vile and disgusting "holiday" card you have ever seen:
This President will not get away with his attempt to hide his secular-progressive "holiday" greetings by printing Psalm 28:7 right above these despicable greetings. Following last week's pagan tree-lighting ceremony in which the President went so far as mentioning Santa Claus with narry a word on Jesus Christ our Savior, a strong backlash is growing across the nation. And just like when the good people drove Harriet Miers out of the nomination process, we will drive Christmas back into the White House!
Millions of Americans are standing up to the dissident homosexualized message spewing from the White House and demanding that an end be put to it! Join us in our Crusade to Rescue the White House by boycotting the White House. You too can do your part: when the President comes on TV, quickly turn to another channel, preferrably TBN or the 700 Club if you feel the need to see the news. Don't read another press release from or article about the White House until their Christmas cards have been changed! Remember it is only by projecting their negative message through the MSM that the tyranical foes of freedom are encouraged and abetted. We stand on the side of freedom and we are winning this war!
Update: just realized that in the pre-coffee haze this morning, I had the WaPo open on one page and Phillybits on the other. So, credit where it's due: click the link, there's more good stuff there!
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