
Gallier, Miguel?

OK, let alone all the 'liberals brainwashed this child' crap and the fact that Brian "terrorist bombings are good for our side" Kilmeade is the one who broke the story, this is patently offensive. No more need be said. It's sick. Follow the links to the larger version of the postcard.

Having said that, it doesn't look like a child wrote it, does it? The spelling mistake is almost too obvious, as though its planted. Then there's "Dear, Soldier"? Comma placed right in the middle as though it's an afterthought. And "From, Gallier, Miguel"? What kid writes their last name first...unless it was post-edited by someone who required that the last name be included. DIE with all those supposed bullet holes? Odd to say the least.

It's not to say that this isn't something that an incredibly stupid kid did, but another thing doesn't seem to add up either: why, if this was Joshua Sparling's only card would he--or those around him--have kept the card and not the envelope? First thing you or I would do upon receiving a death threat, and in effect that's what this note is, would certainly not be to throw away the envelope! Or if we would have carelessly done so before reading the note, we'd likely find someone to go dumpster-diving for it for us...he is in a military hospital after all, a place where things like this would probably be taken seriously, right? To me, it sounds more like a personal vendetta against the poor dude from someone he knows. Makes me want to send him a card: a well-meaning card.

I hate to give this note any more coverage than need-be, but here's a taste for those not inclined to click on Malkin links.