
More Mirecki Madness

Ever since we've had our spiritual conversion to Christmasanity, we have followed the case of the Kansas University aka "Berkeley on the Plains" Religion department prof who had the audacity to want to teach intelligent design as a "myth," very, very, closely. We certainly cannot, cannot condone that kind of behavior and while part of us says he deserves every bit of beating and taken out for a spin around the farm tied to pickup's towhook, another part of us--possibly a remnant of our former selves--hesitates and wonders what would a Christmas warrior do to the perfesser?

Could this be the image of an innocent man beaten for a course he was about to teach? Lucianne commenters have the answers:

If you hadn't opened your big mouth and criticized Christians the way you did none of this would have happened.
Yeah! That's what I say! His own damned fault! But could a Christmas warrior have done something like this?
There's a 100% chance this ugly crud cudgeled or mascara-ed those bruises on himself. Real Christians would be praying for him to have that Damascus road conversion, and would have no interest whatsoever in beating him up. Besides, one you wouldn't touch to begin with is one to whom you'd never administer a beating.
Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble, applying frozen ribeye steaks to their black eyes, looked a thousand times more convincing than this Mirecki jerk with his sympathy makeup job of black eyeliner. KU should fire this poseur immediately, and see to it that he never teaches in this country again.
Mmmm, ribeye. But mascara? Really?
I don't think one can show up at an emergency room or sheriff's office with mascared bruises. Other than that, I don't really care if he was attacked. If he did it to himself, then it says a lot about how screwed up he is. If someone attacked him, it also shows how screwed up he is. He's a jerk.
Jerk, and a Christian-hater! As I've said before, he's joined a Christmas-hating self-flagellation cult. Problem is,
Tis strange. Two attackers are able to place well aimed blows to both eyes and get the very same results on both? Ummmm. No other trauma appears on his face to show he had multiple strikes to the face. No lip laceration, busted nose, bruised ear. All those spots get in the way when you try to dodge in an assault.
He didn't beat himself up enough to be convincing. That's 'cause he's a wimpy liberal Christmas-hating elite Professor who's never been in a fight so he doesn't know what he would look like if he had actually been beaten. And what does Mirecki have to say about all this? No comment. Something only a self-flaggelatin' homo-lovin' perfesser would say if he's guilty.

Speaking of beating, the guys who made this little video need a good flogging back behind the shed!