Passion of the Benny Hill
OK, so the link on the previous post didn't work. Speaking of the previous post, Paul Mirecki sure looks like a gladiator in one of those Hollywood Jesus movies, don't he?! Anyway, this link should work better.
WARNING:Coeruleus editorial board comment: it's fucked up, we're going to hell for posting this. Christmas ueber alles!
Graphic violence, gore, and blasphemous material
Some useful--though not quite related--links to make up for all the blasphemy:
a theme song,
a review:
I know how rhetoricians, relativists, and post-modernists of every stripe love to debate the non-existence of objective truth, but prime-time television isn't the forum for such questions.

huh? Like, dude, blogs are that forum! Consider this: can any context-independent validity be salvaged from the concept of truth? Or maybe, as truth belongs to Dasein, something can be considered an "eternal truth" only to the extent Dasein can be shown to be eternal? Otherwise, truth is subjective, right?
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