yeah..that's right
Oolius--babe, yeah, hey so the NSA didn't listen in when you asked me to get that quart of milk the other week.
Mrs. Oolius--oh, really?
Oolius--yeah, they just said on Fox, everything'd be OK as long as we're not terr'ists and stuff.
Mrs. Oolius--so I can still go out and shop and overextend our credit line and the NSA won't think that's weird and stuff.
Oolius--yeah, it'll all be OK with them.
Mrs. Oolius--what about all the bud I asked you to get?
Oolius--Condi said that though she's not a lawyer, she believes that Bush believes he's not doing anything illegal and so as long as we're not buying it from that muslim-sounding guy, just do it! If we ignore him, we'll defeat terrorism by having someone else come in and not ignore him.
Mrs. Oolius--I don't get it
Oolius--yeah, see it's all really simple. As long as we let them drill in the arctic to support our troops in Iraq, and believe that what they and their lawyers believed is actually what they believed to be Constitutional--and hence these are things we should also believe--then we won't be seen as cut-and-run democrats who want to derail the awesome march of freedom around the world and so even if they listen in, they're not really interested in what we're saying, besides they really wouldn't listen to what we have to say without a warrant unless they felt it had something to do with things that might not need a warrant.
Mrs. Oolius--dude!
Oolius--yeah. Like, Congress has to debate these things after they suspend the rules on debate and give the President guidance on what to do even though the President doesn't need guidance and anything the Congress does is practically irrelevant in light of the fact that he's only slightly cutting some corners on the Constitution to defend the Constitution and he doesn't need Congress to do that. As such, we're much better off having Bush tell the NSA to spy on other people than if someone like Dean would tell the NSA to spy on us, because he'd only be listening to all the Yee-Haws and stuff that people say and not all the important stuff.
Mrs. Oolius--pick up some milk on the way home?
Oolius--yeah, see you in a bit.
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