But will it help Casey?
To answer that question, let's see how our internet brethren on the wingnut side have taken the news of Casey supporting Alito:
Lucianne commenters:
Reply 8 - Posted by: john56, 1/25/2006 9:33:25 AM
Don't worry. When you elect folks like Rendell and Casey, they'll act conservative around election time.
Once they're in office or re-elected, they'll be back on the RAT plantation until a year before the next election.
Case in point: look at the fool, Salazar, that Colorado elected.
Reply 11 - Posted by: Freedomlover, 1/25/2006 10:08:53 AM
Rendell is a political hack who will say and do anything for power. Italians and Catholics in PA who vote for Casey are fools.
Reply 12 - Posted by: Brittany, 1/25/2006 11:03:48 AM
Casey is pure politics without any principles. He used his auditor general post to generate press releases, not better government, and tried to enter areas where he had no jurisdiction. He and Rendell are trying to block Santorum on his prime issues but tiptoeing around the liberal issues will hurt him. Meanwhile Santorum is the real thing (although it killed me that he had to back Specter). I wish that you could have heard his speech to us and seen the sincerity and depth of his beliefs. I have heard him on many occasions, as this is one of his bases, and he pulls no punches.
Reply 14 - Posted by: paiso, 1/25/2006 1:46:24 PM
Casey knows the Democrats will vote for him no matter what they say. He is pandering to the Republicans to get their votes. Far too many in Pennsylvania are entranced with the Casey name and the heavy senior bloc is selfish, greedy, and the votes will not go to anyone they believe is tampering with Social Security. Casey passes the litmus tests for anti-abortion and anti-gun-control which are major interests in Pennsylvania. Of course, he is also anti-death penalty but no one will notice as long as his name is Casey.
And the Freepers:
--Is this another rerun of Salazar and Casey will learn a lot quickly if he gets to the Senate?
--So Bob Casey cannot stand for anything till someone leads the way for him, eh?
--This is an easy call for a phony rat who's not in office. Saazar would probably have done the same.
--I honestly think Santorum might pull it off. Casey is not a great candidate.
Way to go, Casey!
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