
Color me skeptical

Pharyngula, uh I mean Pharyngula posted about the recent controversy surrounding the cyclops cat which many do not believe is real because newborn cats are usually born with their eyes closed. As BoingBoing points out, the picture is actually real after all.

Now, we're introduced to Green Fluorescent pigs (also via BoingBoing). And yes, they glow green in blue light as they should, but I have a really hard time believing that these pigs display a green-ish hue in full-spectrum light:


I used to work with the brains of mice and rats that expressed "GFP" and you really had to shine some strong blue light on the brains in total darknes in order to see any sort of glowing. Here, we have snouts glowing green in what appears to be regular light. Maybe they have some strong deep-blue lights in the background, or maybe they're coloring the snouts to highlight the green-ishness? [I mean, we all know how stem-cell researchers are prone to cheating these days...]