
A little story...

...as relates to this post

A little known fact is that I, Sir Oolius, have personally met Angel Merkel, Germany's new chancellor. 'Met' is a bit of an exaggeration: I was ordering cheese from one clerk while she wanted to order the same kind of cheese from another. I was just about to look up at her to tell her to buzz off when our eyes met...ahhh...Then she quickly noticed that I recognized her as the then-environment minister and she clearly didn't want to interact with me and decided to order a different cheese instead. hmmph. Kinda like a grand coaltion formed between us around the cheese counter, one could say.

Just wanted to share that because us "coeruleans" have become quite fond of sharing our stories with others recently and I want to be a part of that too. Besides, it was a slow news weekend. And I had my dose of snark-fun with that zombie poster Friday night.