

silent Bob

Bob Casey--aka sandwich bag filled with warm vaseline--chose not to show up Saturday for the Neighborhood Networks forum. A forum he agreed to attend months ago but cancelled a few weeks before it happened so he could hang out with his cronies in his home town instead. Obviously, the state's largest city isn't important to Casey. Funny thing was, Babette Josephs, who never returned our e-mails and phone calls, attended the forum. Unfortunately, I didn't see her since I slipped in the back or else I would have asked her again why she supports Casey.

One question I've been burning to ask Casey is the following. His stance opposing stem cell research is clearly consistent with his pro-life positions. Fine, he can easily justify that stance to a group of people who view IVF embryos as snowflakes. As Senator to the state of Pennsylvania, however, Casey will also have to represent scientists who might ask why not save some of the hundreds of thousands of IVF embryos that are incinerated and use them for medical research instead and fund that research properly? There are, after all, 3 major research universities in this state and numerous smaller places that might benefit from grant money...and these research institutes have people who work there who Casey will represent as Senator as well. Leaving aside methodological difficulties with both emryonic as well as adult stem cell research, what will he say to scientists? Move to California?


Shamblors for Casey: Yeah, she is kinda scary looking. Or was that scarry looking?

...and yes, I could have done a better job with the eyes, but I don't have all day!