Wuhl, he didn't suck s-ud(s)
Tonight I ask you to pass legislation to prohibit the most egregious abuses of medical research: human cloning in all its forms, creating or implanting embryos for experiments, creating human-animal hybrids, and buying, selling, or patenting human embryos.
--Bush, SOTU 2006
Assrocket: On the whole, it was a good performance. It was reported that he practiced the speech a lot, and it showed during the first half, on foreign policy. It seemed to me that he rushed the domestic portion; he's never really had his heart in the domestic laundry lists. The important point, though, is that people got to see the President first-hand. Bush is always better off when people are seeing him, rather than reading what Democrats have to say about him in newspapers, or hearing what Democrats think about him on network news.
He practiced. Like, a lot. And he was able to recall the first half of the speach alright. Clearly, he rehearsed what he wanted to say about the NSA thing, but later on he forgot about drilling in the arctic 'cause the speech is all long and stuff. And there's so many details. It's hard work. We can't expect someone like the Preznit to haff to juggle around all those details all the time. But he did better than what everyone else will tell you tomorrow. So, take it from me, he didn't suck.
Update: post was actuallye post by "Sir Oolius," and Bush quote added later....
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