
Stories From The Fam: Did I ever tell you about…

my Mother’s trouble with boys?

Boy was she a sheltered child. My Grandparents intentionally tried to keep her from growing up, especially when it came to boys. If my Mom was going out with friends, my Grandmother would be sure to make her chop some garlic before she left the house, just as a little insurance. I mean, who would want to kissa girl that stinks?

My family has an Italian delicatessen that my Grandparents first opened about 40 years ago. Since it was a family business by Mother and my Uncle would go there to work after school. One day my Mom was slicing some salami when she got distracted and accidentally sliced her finger instead of the salami. It was a big enough piece of finger that it was stitched it back on. She was given specific instructions, not to get it wet. Soon after on a typical, beautiful, southern California day, she and her friends decided to go swimming. They devised a contraption made of a rubber glove and bunch of tape that they thought would certainly keep the hand dry. So, swimming they went, and fun was had by all. But, the removal of the glove revealed, you guessed it, a wet hand. But really, what could happen? Only time would tell…

The next day she went to the drive-in with her friends and secretly met a boy that she liked. They were doing some smooching and hugging and talking. Things were great. But, there was one problem; the boy smell horrible. She was happy to have her arms around his neck, it was just that, geez, he really smelled bad. Unfortunately for her, he was probably thinking the same thing, since it was actually her own rotten finger giving off the odor. I guess Grandma’s garlic wasn’t required for that date.