United we stand?
Crazy Ass Racist Bitch links to a site displaying the following update on the so-called "cartoon jihad:"
"The Face of Muhammed blog has created an interesting map of the Cartoon Jihad, with color coding indicating where various countries stand on the conflict"Where various countries stand??? Has the President sought Congressional approval to join the coalition of the insensitive?
[OK, slow snark day; the cartoon nonsense is all the wingnutosphere has to offer this early in the morning.]
Seriously, up until yesterday the whole point of the 101st Keyboarders cartoon-jihadist fighters was that democratic countries don't control their media and thus firebombing embassies is pointless--an almost valid, though immensely trivial point especially considering the attempts to bully every major newspaper and television news show in the world to air the cartoons. Checking the Clownhalls of the internets this morning, however, it's all about how muslims are Nazis and we're fighting on behalf of the downtrodden because we gots cartoons! Yeah! Huh?
Update: Ooooh, I'ms mad as a hell 'n ah int gonna take nomore! Blogburst Under Attack!!!!! From a Canadian blogger nonetheless, and after all that nice talk about maple revolution and stuff. ooohhhh.
Because of this unwillingness to preface my arguments with Kleenex-wetting clauses, I am invariably accused of being motivated first and solely by hatred, bigotry, racism, sexism, whatever-ism--whether the topic is the mechanics of immigration enforcement or national security profiling or the spread of radical Islam. ...What, besides endless pictures of muslims burning shit up? Or titles like "we are in this together" or how about words like "Kudos to the Philadelphia Inquirer for braving the forces of political correctness, foreign and domestic, and publishing one of the forbidden Muhammad cartoons." or "Yes, thank you--another opportunity to show how the civilized world, unlike the contest organizers and participants, does not react by waving swords and placards endorsing decapitation and annihilation."
You show me one ounce of glee expressed on this website over the conflagration...
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