
CentCom endorses chickenhawks

As though things couldn't get any weirder:
It's very gratifying to get this kind of validation for our effort, but I know from our correspondence that Centcom appreciates the support they receive from many people across the blogosphere. I wonder how many will refer to Centcom as chickenhawks?
No, what we're really waiting for is when Rumsfeld will incorporate the 101st Fighting Keyboardists into a branch of the military..."Captain's Quarters" sounds like it'd certainly work as a functioning unit of the Navy.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers! Noz's e-mail is hardly a form letter, either. Did anyone notice where SPC Flowers wrote, "I was reading your post about Gen. Abizaid"? That sounds to me like SPC Flowers appreciates lefty blogs. He's certainly encouraging us to continue.