Rick Santorum is out of office!
It just makes me so, so...
Updates below:
Same for Mike DeWine (OH).
Bob Menendez (NJ) keeps his seat.
Whitehouse (RI),
Cardin (MD) are blue too!
Sestak (PA, Rep.) won.
The Murphys (Lois and Patrick) are looking good!
Carney beats Sherwood (mistress choker).
Dems are in da Houze!!1!
And one for "coeruleus north": Deval Patrick wins (yay!). Measure 1 is defeated thanks to all those suburban voters who don't have to brave the cold to buy their wine (and beer and liquor) because they can get those items at their local grocery store. We here in the city of Boston really appreciate it [not].
Final Update: I admit it, I'm a dirty blogwhore. That notwithstanding, it looks pretty good for our side tonight. Good night and good luck.
Some good-night music: Franklin's tower [MP3]
[Earlier:] I do feel for his kids...
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