
For the love of Pandas!

Chris! This story is just screaming for your attention:
From July to September 2006, 11 giant pandas gave birth to 18 cubs at the Research and Conservation Center for Giant Panda in the Wolong Nature Reserve in southwest China's Sichuan Province. As of February 10, 2007, all 18 cubs will no longer live with their mothers and will start an independent life. As usual, they will be given their own names. At the moment, the giant pandas are named from No.1 to No 18.

The Research and Conservation Center for Giant Pandas is launching a public solicitation for names for these cute animals. www.chinadaily.com.cn is authorized to collect the English names and you can post your choice here. The deadline for submitting the names is February 5, 2007.
And since February 5 is my birthday, I just might have to insist that one of these cuties should be named "Sir Oolius."

Will it be this one?

This one?

This one?

Or this one?

Your votes would be greatly appreciated.

Update: To avoid a long drawn-out blogmire, I'll pull a Chirac and attempt to appease with Panda Rider: