One easy piece
Reading Mark Steyn write about global warming is like watching a slug rub salt on its belly. Deep down inside he knows he's probably gotten a few facts wrong but he doesn't want to delve any deeper to know exactly which ones. His heart isn't into it, but he knows he needs to write about it because it's a wingnut club membership requirement and bolsters conservative street-cred. So he borrows a little from Jonah Goldberg here, some Monckton there, tugs at the timeframe past, nips at future projections, uses one low-end estimate to compare with another high-end estimate, massages it all into a few disjointed paragraphs and tops it off with the necessary 'WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE IF WE LET THESE CLIMATE ALARMISTS HAVE THEIR WAY!!!!!' Just for good measure. Climate change just isn't his schtick, especially if articles like this elicit reader responses from wimpy community college...feh!...'professors'. He'd much rather write about the glorious struggle against Islamofascism than cough up a manly 'bring it on' to whatever climate might throw at him in coming years.

It's gettin' hot in here...
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