
No hysteria here!

Some hype-free quotes on today's Supreme Court ruling allowing the EPA to set limits on CO2 emissions from those who accuse the rest of us of "hysteria" ...

Anti-hysteria Marlo Lewis of the Competitive Enterprise Institute:
As a result, the potential for economic harm is vast.

Anti-hysteria Myron Ebell, also of the CEI:
For an agency as unaccountable as EPA to be deputized in this way is bad news for the future of our country.

Anti-hysteria Amy Ridenour, of the National Center for Public Policy Research:
The Supreme Court's decision is a victory for the bad guys in the battle over whether the American people will be governed by accountable elected officials or unaccountable judges. Unable to convince the Senate to vote upon, let alone ratify, the Kyoto global warming treaty, the left has adopted the Kyoto-by-stealth strategy of asking judges to force its version of science into the pocketbooks of the American people.

Anti-hysteria Patrick Michaels of the Cato Institute:
Make no mistake -- we have now entered the era where the courts will enter into almost every aspect of our lives.

Anti-hysteria Mark Moller, also of the Cato Institute:
In the process, the Court's decision guts important separation of powers principles, which require regulatory decisions of this magnitude to be made by Congress, not federal judges.