Rampant alarmism
I do believe that Tim Lambert's criticism of James Taranto slightly misses the point. Sure, Taranto, like most any wanker these days, will attempt to confuse US climate data with global climate data. Some, like James Inhofe, go so far as to state that since it's cold in Buffalo today, we needn't worry about global warming. The moneyquote from Taranto's post, however, is here:
Opponents of Iraq's liberation warned that Saddam Hussein would use weapons of mass destruction on U.S. troops and that America's presence in Iraq would spur more terrorism, yet although Iraq has proved to be a slog, these claims were balderdash. Similarly, the Y2K experience is one reason we find it hard to take "global warming" seriously.Opponents like Dick Cheney would often talk about suspiciously timed orange terror alert levels and warned us that the smoking gun could become a mushroom cloud. In fact, here's video of him warning us of a quagmire in Iraq should we invade:
That does it. With alarmists like him forcing us out of our SUVs and destroying the coal industry, I hereby refuse to believe this global warming hooey!
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