
On Bullshit

Mark Steyn:
[An Inconvenient Truth] fulfils the same role in the schoolhouses of the guilt-ridden developed world that the Koran does in Pakistani madrassas. Gore's rise is as remorseless as those sea levels. I assumed Gore's clammy embrace would do for the environmental movement what his belated endorsement had done for Howard Dean's 2004 presidential candidacy: kill it stone dead. But governor Dean was constrained by actual humdrum prosaic vote tallies in Iowa and New Hampshire. The ecochondriacs, by contrast, seem happiest when they're most unmoored from reality.
Well, they did light the Empire State Building green on Friday in honor of Al Gore, no?

But here is where the real Gore Derangement Syndrome becomes apparent:
One can forgive youthful indiscretions, like his 1988 presidential candidacy, when he became the first and only politician in US history to hire a herd of cows for the launch of his campaign, positioning them attractively around him for the photo op at the supposed Gore "family farm". The contribution to global warming from increased methane from bovine flatulence in the Gore neighbourhood was no doubt "offset" by reduced flatulent emissions from whichever farm he'd hired the cows from: it was, in that sense, a "carbon-neutral" event.
There are actually intelligent ways of discussing methane emissions from livestock. See this article in today's LA Times. And there are actually methods of generating some electricity from the trapped methane that are extremely exciting as well. But does someone with Gore Derangement Syndrome want to educate the public about that? Hell no, he takes the low road: Al Gore is FAT and he surrounded himself with cows in the 1988. Har Har Har! With this sort of consistent waste of paper and ink, one wonders why any newspaper would want to continue syndicating Mark Steyn.