
Yes, it will still snow...

When will we ever stop seeing idiotic childish headlines like this?
Global Warming Vote on Snowy Day in Washington
This has absolutely no symbolic value whatsoever. Certainly, a headline like
Global Warming Vote during Coldest Year in Decades in Washington
Global Warming Vote during Coldest Decade in Centuries in Washington
A dark night in a city that knows how to keep its secrets
...would sound less like a third grader wrote it. As it stands, the "snowy" "cold" "rainy" or "windy" day analogy serves primarily to get Matt Drudge and Glenn Reynolds and the hoards of conservative knuckle-dragging mouthpieces excited because they can chuckle about the Gore effect. They're still waiting and hoping for that pony when someday global warming miraculously reverses itself and they can actually read a headline that makes sense.