Sir Oolius fer Vahs Preznit
That's it. I'm done with the Democrat party. Republicans have shown yet again that they are a party of the people by plucking someone out of the wilderness and makin' them look good on the teevee. Having lived out in the wilds of
What do the Democrats have to offer? Nothin' but high-falutin' effete arugula-eatin' elitism! They simply don't understand the intensity of hundreds of sweaty writhing heartlanders rapturously chanting in unison "Drill Baby Drill." All in a wholesome Christian sort of way that appeals to the humble people of this land, of course.
That's why I say: Sir Oolius in 2012! Take Warshington from the insiders and give it back to people who really know how to pull the trig(ger). Only Republicans can do that!
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