Sometimes all it takes is a little push
I've left this place horribly neglected for the last few...years? But that doesn't mean I've not been lurking around the dark and dirty underbelly of the internets. Just to shake my head and laugh at teh stoopid.
Which isn't to say I've not also run around in some of the more civil corners of the interwebs. Like today, when I popped by this old fart's place only to find no real difference between the ironic, satirical snarky comments and the real deal. Should we be worried that the astroturfing commenters have exceeded even our wildest craziness satire?
But I digress. What I really meant to show in this post, after reading about the Antarctic, was something that caught my eye on how our very own hemisphere's pile of ice is doing.
Going on a hunch, here, but this is bad, isn't it? Notice how this winter went by and the Arctic didn't even make it up to where it used to be in the summer? If this were a stock price chart, I'd say short it ASAP.
But being the cautious investor that I am, I went on over to Eli's and noticed that someone actually still occasionally visits this site. That, and an e-mail I received recently, pushed me over the edge.
So now here I am. Blogging again. 'But...Coeruleus, we've all heard that before!' Yeah, but this time might be different, you never know.
While I'm in the mood to display graphs, let me show another interesting and informative graph. Via The Oil Drum:
Keep that in mind, now that Newt Skywalker is probably running for 2012, and everything will again be about DRILL BABY DRILL! USA USA USA! BLARGEDY BLARG BLARG because Nobama in his ruthless Islamvironmentalism single-handedly shut down the entire domestic oil industry. As the TOD article linked to above wryly opines,
In my view, if additional US oil is produced, it actually helps increase US demand for oil products–in fact for all products. More people are employed, and this puts more money into the economy. It also helps keep world oil prices from escalating as fast as they would otherwise. The net effect is that I would expect higher US oil production to increase US imports (or maybe, keep imports from falling as fast), because they will help keep the US out of recession. I am sure some will disagree with me on this, however.Maybe I'll have something to say about fracking, or biofuels, soon. Stay tuned!
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